I need inspiration, I have a great riff, kinda trippy, but it needs a bit more psychedelia to it.
What I do to write music, is that I seriously just say out loud whatever I'm thinking. That's not even if I'm writing lyrics. I'll just randomly say words, and then eventually I strum along with my guitar, and than that's my song.
I need more random words, and awkward youth in my music. Than I recall that my sister read 'Alice In Wonderland' so I think I'll try reading it now. Than, of course, I'll read 'Through The Looking Glass' the trippy-er sequel to 'Wonderland.'
In English class, we're starting to read 'Anthem,' a book written by Ayn Rand, and is very Anti-Socialism. This is the first book that I probably won't enjoy a lot in English class. I'm sure I'll like it, but I know it'll still get on my nerves that it's against what I believe in.
We're only reading this, because some Femi-Nazi whore doesn't want us to read 'The Hobbit.'
By Femi-Nazi, I mean that she thinks that women are far superior than man, and she's constantly saying that men should be more sensitive, and "cry at everything bad that happens to them, that way, they can be more like me"
The part in the quotations is an actual quote from what she said.
I'm saying that we shouldn't be forced to cry, not trying to sound sexist here by the way.
The Hobbit is one of the greatest books of all time, and we're being forced to wait until the end of the year to read it. Whatever...