View Profile ChickenGod
I'm the Decoy/Bait kid that they use on 'To Catch A Predator.' The producers tell me that I'm good at seducing 60 year old men.

Age 58, Male


Joined on 10/12/08

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ChickenGod's News

Posted by ChickenGod - April 30th, 2009

We're Fucked

Don't you think that it's time to stop moving backwards, and to actually be progressive? There is too much ignorance in the world today. There is too much fear, inflicted by idiotic and biased news channels, hoping for more views. We need to change our way of life within the next 200 years or so, or the human race will be extinct.
Humans are clearly becoming far too dependent on technology. With the inventions of cell phones, we nearly signed a death warrant on the human race. We most certainly destroyed our culture. Cell phones are a great invention, but they need to be used in moderation. People who send those chain text messages deserve to be shot in the kneecaps. They're polluting our society with there idiotic ramblings of their 'BFF Jill'
I honesty think that commercial (the bff Jill one) single handedly killed our culture, and any class that America had left after the presidency of Reagan.

Your generation is the future. Thus, I am not looking forward to the future. What will it be like? Nuclear war would be soothing compared to what the dismal future of America is going to be. Thanks to your generation, we can't get it through your thick skulls that we need to change, and we need to change NOW.

The internet has also somewhat ruined our society. The internet was created for communication purposes. Going on AIM for several hours of the day does not count as communication, it's just ridiculous. And what would you be talking about on AIM? The latest gossip, random bullshit, pointless horseshit that you managed to pull out of the deepest orifice of the internet and somehow wanted to share with your douchey little friends. How can you do this for several hours a day?
The end of literature has almost arrived. Every time I see somebody's Myspace that says 'I hate reading' or 'Reading is for nerds' I die a little bit inside.
Books are the only plausible source of information that hasn't been polluted by conservative sell outs. It seems that people don't like reading, because it's too difficult? That's complete bigotry. This just shows the class of America. "I don't like reading because it's too challenging." Twilight doesn't count as reading. It's only popular because all of the corporations say it is. Because we live in a capitalist society, whatever the corporations say goes.

Our Music Industry has gone to hell in the last decade. With the invention of better synthesizers, we can 'fake it' a little bit easier. 'Musicians', if they can even be called that, of today simply walk into the studio, with some stereotypical lyrics, hardly sing into the recorder. The producer uses synthesizers to make it sound a little bit more 'in tune' to the beat, (which is obviously created using a computer.)I hesitate to even call this shit music. Music doesn't require talent, but it requires the use of actual instruments! Too many smart and true musicians are leaving the music industry for two reasons:
1.) Music websites such as iTunes sell single songs. Rather then promoting the whole album, and keeping the music business alive, they want to make it easier on the posers who want to have some 'Avril Lavigne' on there iPod, but not to have a full album, and have to actually like the music, whereas pretending to like what's popular would be easier.
2.) Because of the lack of talent, actual musicians know that the corporate record deals are greedy, and would do anything to manipulate the artist, to do anything the producer wants them to.

The only solution to our music crisis is to stop selling single songs. If you want to pretend you're into music, than you should buy the whole goddamn album, and then you can actually brag to your whore-friends about your terrible musical taste.
This would not only bring more profit into the music industry, but it would require artists to have more musical ability, instead of having one hit song on the radio, being played repetitively, and to actually sell a whole album, without the use of corporate ads, or manipulative producers.
Our television industry has been going downhill for such a long time, and it's highly unlikely that it will rise again. Because of the gullibility of the lazy American race, we'll believe anything we hear on television. The reason for this is, well, simply because it's on television. If your favorite news station says we're all going to die in 2012, then all viewers of that station would panic, instead of doing the research themselves.
The idiocy of Americans is unacceptable. The bigotry of our corporations, especially since they run our society, is despicable. These disgusting redneck slobs that say they are proud of there country are idiots. Patriotism in America is so close to a Nationalist Fascism, it's almost horrifying.

I Am So GODDAMN tired of being reminded of being less hygienic. I don't wash my hair. BIG FUCKING DEAL! If it really goddamn annoys you, go blow you GODDAMN brains out. I have not gone one day this month without my lack of cleanliness being mentioned. Maybe I think it's more comfortable when my hair is greasy. Maybe my high school career isn't solely about self consciousness. Just because you're socially awkward, doesn't give you any right in hell to mock my goddamn hair. Everybody that is viewing this has done it. Whether it was a 'Gentle Reminder' of my hygiene habits, or a full blown "WHY DON'T YOU WASH YOUR HAIR?" or "THAT'S GROSS." It's so GODDAMN irritating. I guarantee that if Greasy Hair was popular, or it was the new trend, then all of you wouldn't wash your hair. If any of you fucking deny any of this, I want you to goddamn back it up with evidence and a plausible excuse.

I Am So GODDAMN tired of your GODDAMN cell phones. This is mostly addressed to anybody that texts more than 10 text messages a day. My theory why people text: Socially awkward, self conscious teenagers wanting to look occupied, to prevent being thought of as 'nerdy' or 'weird.' Because we wouldn't want that would we? You don't want to look weird in front of you friends do you? So maybe if we all text, I'll be thought highly of. Won't that make you so GODDAMN rebellious and individual? Every time I get a text message, it's about something pointless. The only good reason why people should text, or even use phones in general, should be to COMMUNICATE with one another. Communicate in terms of: an actual conversation. Texting should be communication, but if you're in a crowded, loud place, and need to send a quick message, where if you called the person, it would be inaudible. Unlike my suggestion, you IGNORANT FUCKS decide to send pointless messages, with impossible to decipher words, and idiotic chain messages, or whore-ish pictures of yourself to your goddamn douche bag boyfriend.

I Am So GODDAMN tired of your idiotic agreements with me. You don't even know what the hell I'm talking about half the time! My simple vocabulary is far too advanced for you! Do I need a GODDAMN translation? Am I that GODDAMN Cryptic? When I mock corporations, you probably nod your head, and add in an occasional "Yea, I know, they suck" or something like that. You don't even know any alternatives to corporate ignorance do you? GODDAMMIT it fucking annoys me.

I Am So GODDAMN tired of you self conscious, cliquey, conformist TREND WHORES!!! You don't even know how much it FUCKING irritates me when you clean yourself up for half an hour for a day of sitting in school for 6 hours. Nobody cares what you look like. Anybody that does is a Jackass. But you want to be friends with everybody don't you? You don't want to be a 'Loner' do you? 'Cuz then you might look Nerdy, and we wouldn't FUCKING want that!!! You goddamn pretend you enjoy whatever is GODDAMN popular! Twilight, for example, is the biggest joke I've ever attempted to read. Yes, I read some of Twilight. It sucks. You ASSHOLES pretended to hate reading before Twilight. Now don't throw around that BULLSHIT that it's a good book, and that's why it's popular, because that's HORSESHIT. YOU ARE HORSESHIT. Twilight is a the worst thing the corporations have excreted in the last 10 years, and trust me, in the last 10 years, a lot of SHIT has been produced. But it seems that you don't have opinions! You do what's popular. You listen to what's popular. You dress in what's popular. And don't give me and crap about how Hollister (or any other generic preppy store) is comfier. I know you wear it because it's what others are wearing. You wear your GODDAMN pre-ripped jeans! It's the dumbest thing in the world. You buy jeans that are broken for 3 times the normal price. RIP THEM YOURSELF! You only do it to be a whore, or to pretend you're rebellious. If you're going to be a whore, then you might as well not fund corporations at the same time!!! You can get the same GODDAMN clothes at half (or less) of the price. It's indescribable how much FUCKING PISSED OFF I get when I simply think of you wearing that shit. Stop caring what people think of you!!! SERIOUSLY!!! DO WHAT YOU GODDAMN WANT TO DO!!!

So I wash my hair occasionally, and I am absolutely ashamed when I do it. I'm ashamed because people like me when I do it. Before I had clean hair, you all hated me. But now that I have temporarily conformed to your hygienic habits, you love me. It's absolutely disgusting...you I mean, not my hair.
I bet you, if in some alternate reality, (the early 90's) where greasy hair was in style, all of you would have greasy hair, dirty clothes, and pretty much be like me. I want to pay off Mtv, or whatever you kids are watching these days, to brainwash you to be like that, just to prove a point. I mean, seriously, you only hate my hygiene habits, because your self conscious about yourself and you don't want to feel uncomfortable by people who are apathetic, and who don't shower every minute of the day. You're all stuck up pricks.

I blame the media, your parents, but it truly is a spectacle that I don't blame you. You really are all idiots, but it seems that the corporations have gotten worse during my present lifetime, so I'll cut you some slack in my mind. It's not all your fault anyways. Your parents are either over protective zealous assholes, who control every moment of your life, or you were let down by your parents apathy towards you, so your only family was the cast of 'The Hills' or some other horseshit television program. You're all dead. You seriously are. The only time you were actually alive, is when you were naive, and unbiased towards everything; when you were probably about 2-3 years old. Then you probably started obsessing with yourself, and have grown to be the self absorbed prick you are today. And don't retaliate to this statement by saying that I'm self absorbed or stuck up, because I'm not. I just hate everybody else around me, I don't love myself. Besides, you are all much more stuck up than I am.

Honestly, you're all tools of the media, and are to be harvested by the chains of capitalism, to be thrown into the real world of careers, and further corruption of your mind, until all you will be is horse shit, in a bag of skin. You nearly are already too. You conformist pricks don't understand a word I'm saying do you? I'm trying to say that the sexist media of today has brainwashed you. If you have ever said "Boys/ Girls have cooties" Than you should be brutally bludgeoned with a bag of rusty nails, than tied up to an electric fence in the pouring rain. Your generation is the living proof that capitalism doesn't work. The fat bourgeois Lard-Ass controls the corporations. The corporations control the media, and the media controls you. You are all tools to the downfall of today's society. I hope there is some sort of afterlife, so I can watch you all grow old, and die, and in the last moment of your life, you will realize that what I'm preaching is right, and that you wasted your entire life, whoring yourself the downfall of the next generation, and the next...and so on. Your generation is the pivotal force driving the uprising or the downfall of civilization as we know it. So far... I'd like to say we're absolutely fucked, but that's sugar coating it. The ignorance in my current lifetime is disgusting, I personally hope that it was this bad in past lifetimes, opposed to this being a new trend; Ignorance I mean. If there's ignorance in a country, that eventually leads to nationalism. That would lead to possible war, and we would live under a Fascism, in which Bush would seem like the most liberal president we've had.

... I swear to god, if any of you agree with me, I'll shoot myself in the fucking head.

Posted by ChickenGod - April 29th, 2009

I haven't visited The Greatest Page In The Universe in a very long time. I just visited it now, and I remember how funny it is.

The bad part is that it's very sexist, but sometimes it can turn out funny, in a fucked up, sexist way.


I got a great album. 'Barrett' by...you guessed it...NO Not Lindsay Lohan. Syd Barrett. It's great. The opening riff of 'Baby Lemonade' just immediately opens your mind to the entire album.

-So I was sitting around the other day, playing "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas," when suddenly I received an email with an attachment called "hot coffee mod." So I did what I always do when I get programs from strangers in my email: I ran it.

Then I went back to playing the game and didn't notice anything different, except for when I took my in-game girlfriend back home, she now asks "how about a little coffee?" Naturally I got excited, because I was expecting to see a scene with the protagonist, Carl, and his girlfriend, Denise, sipping a tall cup of joe and discussing the finer points of globalization and how cultural distinction will shape future generations. -Maddox

I used to love GTA when I was playing video games.


Posted by ChickenGod - April 28th, 2009

I have discovered the magic of Neil Young. I got 'Deja Vu' from the CSNY era of his career, and I got 'Mirror Ball' from '95. The last one is incredible. It combines the early hippie rock of the 60's, and the angsty Punk of the 90's.

Here's a joke my friend told me, and I obviously hate it, but for some reason it's funny...

" A Black person, and Asian, and a Jew walk into a bar, what does the bartender say to them?...
'Get The Fuck Out'"

I guess it's funnier when he said it...
I obviously don't hate Africans, Asians or Jews, so you need not criticize.
Besides, they're all better then those honky crackers.

So I got a few more songs written, and I may try to write lyrics for them, their actually kind of folk-ey. I'm going to re-do some, or most of my songs, with drums included in them. That includes my SaintandtheButter songs. I like those songs better than the ones I've written lately, maybe just because my guitar is always out of tune, and it's a bit annoying. But I got my bridge fixed, so I'll be in tune a lot better from now on.

My 3 day Spring Break starts today. Fuck this school district, they can't do anything right.

Have you ever felt like you were floating, when you weren't? Or maybe like you were on a platform, about 5 ft higher up than you are? That happens to me all the time. It's really oddly trippy.

I'm probably just really tired, and don't notice it. I've only slept about 3-4 hours a night, and I haven't taken any naps. I can't get more than 7 hours of sleep. I seriously can't. Even on weekends, I can't sleep more than 7 hours, so I don't get to sleep all day like I want to. Sometimes less than 7 hours too, and then I can't sleep. I can't wait for summer vacation.

Neil Young; Racist Joke;Songs; Spring Break; Trippy; Sleep

Posted by ChickenGod - April 27th, 2009

or am I?

Is this picture Dark Side Of The Moon? Seriously, it's epic.

I apologize for this, but 'twas done a long time ago, and I was a bit of a douchebag. \

Just download it I guess.Jam Session W/ Friend

I'm so sweepy..

Posted by ChickenGod - April 27th, 2009

New Song...if it can be called that.

I recorded random noises, and I reversed them, and then put it on here!

I also found a REALLY old demo of me, playing a song I hardly remember, I'll try to put it on. I recorded it with a cell phone I believe.

Because I suck at Advertising...

Posted by ChickenGod - April 26th, 2009

My dad taught me how to drive today!

I just drove around my neighborhood a little bit, and then parked the car.

I don't get to see the girl I like for about a week, so that's sad. Our 3 day spring break starts Wednesday, and she left last Friday :(

This is the part that I get all overdramatic and bitch about how my life sucks or something like that.

But seriously, don't you hate when people do that? They write on their Myspace: I DOuNT C U 4 WEEK, MY LIFE IZZZZ TTTLLLYYYY OOOOOBOBOOVER!1212E3T485439418235

Then they get sympathy from all of their friends. That just pisses me off.

I Drove A Car!

Posted by ChickenGod - April 23rd, 2009

After years (Over 9000) of speculation, MyGuitarStick's name doesn't mean a stick. It means that my guitar...sticks.

He's a funny person (if he can even be called a person) and best of all he's a great fuck.

He has a bed that's springy when you bounce on it, so we usually fuck on the floor, or outside, etc.

He coined the phrase "Also Facial" which has become a classic, and hopefully will become a meme in the next billion years.

The only bad thing about him, well...

when it's warm out, his dick gets all crunchy, and It doesn't slide down my throat like it is when it's cold.

/* */


Posted by ChickenGod - April 23rd, 2009

First person to comment on this blog gets an entire blog dedicated to them.


Posted by ChickenGod - April 22nd, 2009

I love you guys so much. You guys have motivated me to make 100 blogs, of random complaints in my life.

Here's a few memorable posts: Who wants an account?

The aftermath of that...

banned from habbo hotel

my naive mind...

memories...so beautiful.

a rant

another rant
How much wood?

I also turned level seven today!

100th Post!!!

Posted by ChickenGod - April 20th, 2009

I wake up, stand up and lose balance and trip on my acoustic guitar. I had finally taken my acoustic home from school, to record something. Of course, I forgot, and when I remembered, It was late at night on Sunday, and I didn't get any good takes in. [New song written by the way...]

Anyway, I tripped on my guitar, that I stupidly put on the floor near my bed. I guess it was so I wouldnt forget it or something. I can never remember what I was thinking the preceding night of a morning of no sleep.

I was listening to The Sex Pistols that night, and I groggily get up, and turn off my stereo. I shuffle over to the bathroom, before my sister gets up, and hogs it. She takes a full 30 minutes to an hour to do her hair. I haven't showered since Friday Night, so I'm pretty clean...that was a joke by the way, I was obviously filthy. I go in, and brush my teeth, also filthy. I don't enjoy brushing my teeth at night, because I'm always so exhausted. I usually brush them in the morning, and then some time after school if I'm up to it. I'm fairly upper class, so I have this electric tooth brush, so I don't need to put in too much effort. It even shuts itself off after two minutes, which is kinda cool.

I finish brushing my teeth and walk back in my room to put my shoes on. My low top, dirt stained converse were under my guitar for some reason, so I had to bend over to get them. Of course I stumble and land on the ground again, which aggravated me.

I walk downstairs with my guitar bag in hand, and fall asleep on the couch.

When I got to school, I see a large circle of some of my friends so I walk over and slide in between some of my douch-ey-er friends. They ask me what I'm listening to, and I reply "Dead Kennedys, Bedtime for Democracy, No doubt you're listening to Slipknot or Ice-Cube."

"Well don't get pissy at me just because You're on your period!" He retorts. I chuckle because Male Menstruation is hilarious.

I'm a hit with my friends, because I steal internet jokes that they've never heard of, and they think that I'm really original. Although some of my jokes are original, most of mine are just sarcastic versions of sexist demotivational posters that I find funny for some hypocritical reason.

Anyways, They all ask me if I have any new pictures on my iPod, and I show them a few, they laugh, I groan. Then I tell them all about One Guy One Cup then they all mock my obvious homosexuality after I explain what it is.

Guitar Sucked.

I slept during a test in math class, and I wake up and I'm thinking "Oh shit, I gotta do this" So I scribble some words on it, not even knowing the questions, and I run out of class.

Science sucked.

English was good, because the teacher always mocks the idiots in his class. I'm really the only one in the class that isn't a douchebag. We also are huge fans of Pink Floyd which is also cool. He has an advantage though, because he owns "Obscured By Clouds" and I don't, and he has also seen "Animals" live. Lucky bastard.

Gym sucked. Playing Indoor soccer.

Lunch Sucked, Guy owes me money that I know he won't pay me. He's always telling these ridiculous lies. He's actually kind of funny in a pathetic way.

Advisory was great. I was actually really nervous, which is odd, because I'm usually kind of confident around friends, and girls I like. Both of which were in that class. My science teacher came in, and the girl I like and I (who are in the same science class) look at each other, and kind of hide our faces from him, because we wanted to avoid any awkward conversations, that always come from being noticed by the science teacher. Our friend was talking about some guy she met at camp over the weekend. Then somehow, their was this awkward silence, and my friend said to the girl I like "Don't you like..." then the girl I like sort of made some odd noise. Then My friend said "No, I'll be nice". They both looked at me, and I pretended that I hadn't heard them, and that I was in some sort of daze/ daydream. I got somewhat optimistic from that awkward silence. As dramatic as it sounds, it feels like she likes me, which is unlikely, hence the greasy hair.

French sucked.

Economics sucked.

Slept on bus. Got home, and went upstairs to play guitar, but then I remembered that I still had to change all of the strings AGAIN, because somebody at the store had tightened my tremolo bar attached to my bridge, so I had to re-string it, to keep it in tune. I went in the basement, and watched television 'till I slept. Woke up, and re-strung my guitar, and played for several hours. Then my dad comes in and jams with me (on drums.) We played Endless Nameless, Interstellar Overdrive, then some Sex Pistols songs, then I just left and did homework...which is really rare, because I never do homework.

Now I'm on the computer, and wondering what the trippiest kids show is. I think that 'My Life As A Teenage Robot', and 'Little Bear' are the trippiest.

Awesome wallpaper.

My Day Today (Because I'm Unoriginal)