The media is funny. I guess it must be a joke or something. If what they're saying is true, I'll be dead by next Wednesday.
The media here is claiming that all cases of it are VERY contagious, and that it's guaranteed to kill you. My ass. There's already 2 cases of it in New Hampshire. I wish it were true. It's worth dying, to think... in your final moments, there will be a ton of dead douchebags soon. Wow...that sounded emo. Whatever...
Plus, the best I've got is that I come back as a pig...a bit ironic too...
Unless of course Christianity is the true religion, 'cuz then I'll be in some form of hell.
'Cuz I'm just that rebellious. &s=5
That's the proof of my friend being a douchebag. He constantly claims that he's rebellious because he plays drums, but he doesn't play it too much, because he doesn't want to piss off his neighbors.
He likes sports, and he's a bit of a nationalist.
I love the witty comeback by Ross in this pic.
Anyways, I've had this awkwardly random obsession with ghost busters all of a sudden thanks to this video: fm?link_id=39982
I am going to do that prank at a WalMart or something.
"Unless of course Christianity is the true religion"
The real ChickenGod would never say this. I DEMAND TO KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE WITH HIM.
The video made me lawl.
I put him in the basement, he's chained to the wall, and I tickle him for 3 hours straight on 5 hour intervals.