View Profile ChickenGod
I'm the Decoy/Bait kid that they use on 'To Catch A Predator.' The producers tell me that I'm good at seducing 60 year old men.

Age 58, Male


Joined on 10/12/08

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ChickenGod's News

Posted by ChickenGod - May 25th, 2009

Subscribe to Lucid Bliss

There is a reason though.

If they get 15,000 subscribers by a certain date (don't remember the date) they will play Smells Like Teen Spirit.

I don't even like the song all that much, but there's a catch.

They will play it totally nude...

Yep, they will be completely naked when they play it. I need to share this to the world!

I also found this picture

Guess where I found it.


Look up 'Phallus' and look at the bottom picture (on the right)

My friend, who is a girl, keeps asking me if I've ever had a wet dream.

Obviously, since I am awesome, I told her the truth...Yes.

"Yea, I have them all the time, in fact, I had one earlier this morning, in Algebra. I fell asleep during a test, and I was having a very vivid dream, involving a dead horse. I all of a sudden burst from my seat, and ended up impregnating the girl in front of me"

I obviously didn't say that, and I've never had a wet dream (or 'Nocturnal Emission' if you're a vocab Nazi)

Have any of you had a wet dream?

It just doesn't make all that much sense, if you think about it, it takes much more energy to ejaculate.

Subscribe=Porn, Phallus, Wet Dream... In Math

Posted by ChickenGod - May 24th, 2009

This was a reply to a note/ rant I made on facebook, describing how people are obsessed with the mall.

Sophia Carver is the ex girlfriend that I have talked about in the past, the overdramatic hypocrite? Yea that one...

I'm Joe (somewhat obvious to any friends viewing this)

Sophia Carver at 7:25pm May 24
joe, you are fully aware that i absolutley despise you. but it does kill me to admit that everything here is pretty much true...(and now im frustrated in myself for feeding your desgusting ego...)

Joe Ruane at 11:10pm May 24
If you despise me, why is it that you have taken the time to find this note? Either through mutual friends, or typing in my name in the search, looking at my previous posts, and taking the time to reply, although I would be right to assume that no effort went into your post. It seems, that you have only posted to point out the fact that you detest me. You also state that I am aware of it. Are you reiterating the fact that I know something? Was it that important to inform me? Was this, in fact, a pathetic attempt at an insult? Please, elaborate about my 'disgusting ego' that you claim to feed. As a matter of fact, wouldn't you be at fault for feeding this ego? Actually, the fact that you even posted proves that you have a more disgusting ego than you believe I have. You added no commentary, or discussion to the note. Doesn't it just prove that this was either a cry for attention, or to illustrate that you are a hypocrite?


EDIT: She replied again, but I'm not taking a screen shot of it, because I'm too lazy.

Sophia Carver at 11:15am May 25
the simple explanation to all of your ranting is just boredom. your ridiculous note appeared in "highlghts" on facebook, and i had nothing better to do. and although i feel it uneccasary to "elaborate" on something that is obvious, ill just say this. everyone knows that you are insanely full of yourself. at least have the dignity to admit it.

Joe Ruane at 1:23pm May 25
Everybody knows that I am full of myself? Does this prove that you care too much about your friends opinions? Rather than making your own, seems that you are worried about your reputation. Are you the attention whore that I always assumed you were? It seems that you've only commented to show your distaste for me again. If the explanation to my ranting is boredom, why do you yet again visit this page, and take the time into writing a reply? If you feel it unnecessary to elaborate on something you claim is obvious, why do you elaborate on it anyways? It appears that you've only wanted to tell me what everybody thinks of me. So you've not only conformed to everybody's ideals, you've whored yourself, yet again, for having told me what you claim is 'obvious.' You want me to have pride in being an egoist, or so you claim? If you truly want to show apathy, why would you try to prove to me something that you claim I already know? This is my last addition to this feeble argument.

Posted by ChickenGod - May 23rd, 2009

It's been broken, and I sent it in to get fixed (did it for free, because of warranty) and I just got it back today.

I wrote another part for a song involving a few of the songs/demos I've posted here. I'll probably conclude the writing process soon, and start recording eventually...

I'll procrastinate it though.

Listen to the band Codaphonic. They're a great pop-rock band. I obviously don't mean 'Avril Lavigne Pop,' I mean that they sound like the Beach Boys or the early Beatles.

You should look up Stemage also, they're on the same label.

I like the latter quite more, but that's probably only because I've heard them a lot more.

Anyways, I just downloaded the 1938, War Of The Worlds, Orson Welles radio broadcast. Discuss.

I finally got my guitar back!

Posted by ChickenGod - May 21st, 2009

You Ordered Uproariously
Jinxed UFOs, Shitting Trains,
Looped Over Super Tits,
Tooting Hooters, Excreting
Gumball Accessories, Mooching Elk

Now go read the first letter of each word...

I'm so clever aren't I?

I Know What You Just Did...

Posted by ChickenGod - May 21st, 2009

/* */
I haven't even seen the whole thing yet I was laughing so hard...

Hilarious Video...

Posted by ChickenGod - May 19th, 2009


I LOVE YOU AND I WANT TOO MARRRYY UUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I also need to point this out.
Asperger's syndrome
From Encyclopedia Dramatica
(Redirected from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)


EDWARD CULLENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNENENN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

Posted by ChickenGod - May 18th, 2009

This picture needs to be shared.

Also read my last post, it's funny.

This picture needs to be shared...

Posted by ChickenGod - May 18th, 2009

Read !This post, I put a lot of effort into it, and none of you guys read it!

I feel so unappreciated right now! It's because You guys hate me,

I'm so funny sometimes


Posted by ChickenGod - May 17th, 2009

I love Psychedelia, but I've only barely dipped my feet in the water of the genre, only having a few psychedelic albums, by Syd Barrett, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix Experience, all of The Beatles albums (although only a few are considered psychedelic) and Cream (although they really don't count)

Any ones that I should own?

I love Grunge, I have ALL of Nirvana's albums and EPs. I hate to say it, but Nirvana is my favorite Grunge band, even though they were the most popular. I also own Mudhoney's first album, Superunkown, by Soundgarden, Ten, Yield, and Vs. by Pearl Jam (although they're more of a general rock band it seems) I have Bricks Are Heavy, by L7 although I'm not a huge fan, and I have Live Through This, by Hole.

I like Punk, I have Spunk and Never Mind The Bollocks, by The Sex Pistols, I have All of the Dead Kennedys Studio Albums, I have Pink Flag by Wire, and many more that I can't remember right now.

I like Art Rock and Garage also, my iPod contains a few Velvet Underground albums, and a few The Who Albums.

My favorite bands would have to be: Pink Floyd, Nirvana, The Beatles, Dead Kennedys, John Lennon, and The Who.

Posted by ChickenGod - May 17th, 2009

I absolutely hate myspace.

It's not Myspace itself that I hate, I just hate the people that use Myspace.

One reason why I despise people with a myspace (which is somewhat hypocritical of me, because I have a Myspace) is that they always have their name down as something stupid.

A lot of my friends have it as some overdramatic phrase to show how 'bad' their life is.

These people think their life sucks just because they're grounded from their phone.

Big deal, it's probably good for you, you stupid prick!

Here's one name: 'I Don't Want To Live Anymore' or something like that.

This person hates her life because her boyfriend that lives in another State broke up with her...


I'm not insulting online relationships, although I want to so badly, but that would be far too easy...because they're often the product of spoiled attention whores, with nothing to do.

I'm insulting the fact that people get suicidal when somebody breaks up with them.

If I went out with the girl I like, and she broke up with me, I'd probably be sad for a day or so, than I'd get over it!

I know I've illustrated this next part before, but it's necessary, and hilarious.

So I'd broken up with my girlfriend on Halloween, mainly because I told her she was wearing a ton of perfume, and she attacked me, and because she wanted to run away with me, and when I refused, she went insane.

So at school, I had skipped advisory just to go to lunch, and she had skipped her music class just to see me. She wanted to apologize I guess for attacking me, but she ended up yelling at me again, so I just broke up with her. She runs away sobbing, and I walk into my Study Hall feeling accomplished.

The next week or two was wasted with her begging me to take her back, which resulted in me laughing.

Eventually, I notice that my books in my locker are missing, and I immediately knew the culprit.

I admit, It was my fault for letting anybody share my locker, especially when I was blessed with the luck of having know locker partner to begin with. (and it's going to be like that all of high school, which is awesome!)

So I go up to her friends who were walking by, and ask them where she was, or where my books are, and they all laugh and walk away like the whores they are.

When I find her, I demand that my books be returned, which she obviously refuses.

That night, I decide to call her and tell her that my books should be returned to me the second I get in school.

The good thing about all of this, is that my friends became closer. They all found it hilarious also, which was nice, and now we're all pretty close.

So I meet them all by my locker, and when we see her coming with my books, they fell silent, and watched me.

One of my friends who I've known for quite a while comes with me to get my books back. She looks at him, then at me and exclaims, "HERE'S YOUR BOOKS, ASSHOLE!!!"

Throwing the books on the ground, then assaulting my friend (who was laughing the whole time)

We all break into laughter, and 'Here's your books asshole' became the quote for immediate laughs.

She then started telling everybody that I had a small dick, and than another friend replies, "Not everybody has a dick as big as yours Sophia!"

Which we all laughed at again, which angered her so she storms off to go complain to her friends about how her life 'sucks.'

Then she came back the next day saying, "You're nothing like Kurt Cobain, He wasn't such a pussy,"

In which I replied,

"Actually he was," I said calmly, "he was probably more of a pussy than I am."

When we first started going out, I jokingly said that I was a reincarnation of Kurt Cobain, because he died around the time I was born, and Nirvana was one of my favorite bands at the time.

She, of course, took this seriously, and said "Oh yea, I am too"

She still wants to ruin my life (by embarrassment I guess, because she thinks I'm some trend whore like her, and that I care about my appearance all the time) and tells everybody how I ruined her life.

If anybody's life was affected, it was her last boyfriends (before me) which she cheated on, (with me...)

Well, I didn't know at the time, and when she told me I was appalled.

Then she sort of made me ask her out (because she's sexist, and thinks that men should ask out the women, no other way)

and the rest's history...

Anyways, Myspace also sucks because people do those quizzes to show their 'individuality'


You need some internet quiz to lie to you, to tell you how un-individual you are!

I admit that I've done some myspace quizzes, but not to show off like the others, just because I wanted to see what they were.

The worst part is that people post their results on their page, at the very top, so that they show off what Jonas Brother they are!

In conclusion, everybody is a stupid asshole except for me.

This advertisement is hilarious. I saw it on Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Myspace Sucks.