Avatar: The Last Airbender is actually a great show.
I usually would try to find something wrong with this show, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with this show. It's written extremely well, and is animated perfectly.
Yea, I know, it's a kid's show, big deal.
Some of it is actually really hilarious.
Jeopardy is hilarious.
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relevance is related to the relevance of this post. I really need to stop thinking when I'm tired, because I never make sense.
What Bryan said. Avatar is a shit attempt at American anime, and those two shouldn't be used in the same sentence, ever. Not that I like anime, but it's just better if it's made by Japanese people.
I know, because my sister was crazy for Avatar. I had to watch episodes with her. There was this one guy that did steroids or something in the last episode and he yelled "AHM ZHA MOSE POWERFUL MAN IN ZEE WURLDDDDDD" and some bitch that was crying while she was laughing that I called Courtney Love.
But yeah, really all Avatar is is some cliched OH LOOK WE HAVE DIFFERENT ELEMENTAL POWERS LET'S TEAM UP TOGETHER AND BE ALL KAWAI stuff that twelve year olds that worship Cartoon Network like.
Yea, I actually can kind of agree with you, it is very stereotypical, but somehow, it strikes a nerve, and I like it for some reason.
Courtney Love, haha.