I wake up, stand up and lose balance and trip on my acoustic guitar. I had finally taken my acoustic home from school, to record something. Of course, I forgot, and when I remembered, It was late at night on Sunday, and I didn't get any good takes in. [New song written by the way...]
Anyway, I tripped on my guitar, that I stupidly put on the floor near my bed. I guess it was so I wouldnt forget it or something. I can never remember what I was thinking the preceding night of a morning of no sleep.
I was listening to The Sex Pistols that night, and I groggily get up, and turn off my stereo. I shuffle over to the bathroom, before my sister gets up, and hogs it. She takes a full 30 minutes to an hour to do her hair. I haven't showered since Friday Night, so I'm pretty clean...that was a joke by the way, I was obviously filthy. I go in, and brush my teeth, also filthy. I don't enjoy brushing my teeth at night, because I'm always so exhausted. I usually brush them in the morning, and then some time after school if I'm up to it. I'm fairly upper class, so I have this electric tooth brush, so I don't need to put in too much effort. It even shuts itself off after two minutes, which is kinda cool.
I finish brushing my teeth and walk back in my room to put my shoes on. My low top, dirt stained converse were under my guitar for some reason, so I had to bend over to get them. Of course I stumble and land on the ground again, which aggravated me.
I walk downstairs with my guitar bag in hand, and fall asleep on the couch.
When I got to school, I see a large circle of some of my friends so I walk over and slide in between some of my douch-ey-er friends. They ask me what I'm listening to, and I reply "Dead Kennedys, Bedtime for Democracy, No doubt you're listening to Slipknot or Ice-Cube."
"Well don't get pissy at me just because You're on your period!" He retorts. I chuckle because Male Menstruation is hilarious.
I'm a hit with my friends, because I steal internet jokes that they've never heard of, and they think that I'm really original. Although some of my jokes are original, most of mine are just sarcastic versions of sexist demotivational posters that I find funny for some hypocritical reason.
Anyways, They all ask me if I have any new pictures on my iPod, and I show them a few, they laugh, I groan. Then I tell them all about One Guy One Cup then they all mock my obvious homosexuality after I explain what it is.
Guitar Sucked.
I slept during a test in math class, and I wake up and I'm thinking "Oh shit, I gotta do this" So I scribble some words on it, not even knowing the questions, and I run out of class.
Science sucked.
English was good, because the teacher always mocks the idiots in his class. I'm really the only one in the class that isn't a douchebag. We also are huge fans of Pink Floyd which is also cool. He has an advantage though, because he owns "Obscured By Clouds" and I don't, and he has also seen "Animals" live. Lucky bastard.
Gym sucked. Playing Indoor soccer.
Lunch Sucked, Guy owes me money that I know he won't pay me. He's always telling these ridiculous lies. He's actually kind of funny in a pathetic way.
Advisory was great. I was actually really nervous, which is odd, because I'm usually kind of confident around friends, and girls I like. Both of which were in that class. My science teacher came in, and the girl I like and I (who are in the same science class) look at each other, and kind of hide our faces from him, because we wanted to avoid any awkward conversations, that always come from being noticed by the science teacher. Our friend was talking about some guy she met at camp over the weekend. Then somehow, their was this awkward silence, and my friend said to the girl I like "Don't you like..." then the girl I like sort of made some odd noise. Then My friend said "No, I'll be nice". They both looked at me, and I pretended that I hadn't heard them, and that I was in some sort of daze/ daydream. I got somewhat optimistic from that awkward silence. As dramatic as it sounds, it feels like she likes me, which is unlikely, hence the greasy hair.
French sucked.
Economics sucked.
Slept on bus. Got home, and went upstairs to play guitar, but then I remembered that I still had to change all of the strings AGAIN, because somebody at the store had tightened my tremolo bar attached to my bridge, so I had to re-string it, to keep it in tune. I went in the basement, and watched television 'till I slept. Woke up, and re-strung my guitar, and played for several hours. Then my dad comes in and jams with me (on drums.) We played Endless Nameless, Interstellar Overdrive, then some Sex Pistols songs, then I just left and did homework...which is really rare, because I never do homework.
Now I'm on the computer, and wondering what the trippiest kids show is. I think that 'My Life As A Teenage Robot', and 'Little Bear' are the trippiest.
Awesome wallpaper.
I yell and physically myself everytime I leave my guitar on the floor.
>>'I yell and physically myself'
You should get that checked out...