It's been broken, and I sent it in to get fixed (did it for free, because of warranty) and I just got it back today.
I wrote another part for a song involving a few of the songs/demos I've posted here. I'll probably conclude the writing process soon, and start recording eventually...
I'll procrastinate it though.
Listen to the band Codaphonic. They're a great pop-rock band. I obviously don't mean 'Avril Lavigne Pop,' I mean that they sound like the Beach Boys or the early Beatles.
You should look up Stemage also, they're on the same label.
I like the latter quite more, but that's probably only because I've heard them a lot more.
Anyways, I just downloaded the 1938, War Of The Worlds, Orson Welles radio broadcast. Discuss.
Post pics of your geetar one day. the only time I've seen it was when it was in that blurry photo of you.
First time I listened to that War of the Worlds broadcast, I got the shit scared out of me.
Pic is fapworthy.
The blurry photo of me was my older, much cheaper guitar, that I somewhat smashed. It still works, just sounds like shit, and the tuning pegs are all bent and shit.
That was a Squire, now I have a Fender, and even though it's a huge brand, and everyone has plays one, I'm pretty proud of it. It also has a humbucker.
I also have a semi-cheap acoustic Fender Starcaster. It's alright, but that also has a tuning peg that's coming out.