Every Friday, on UltimateGuitar.com, there's a story posted by 'Nolan Whyte' an aspiring author. Here's the links to all of them so far.
I didn't write these, just making sure you guys know that.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Now I look forward to every Friday for the next edition.
So, yesterday, or the day before (I can't remember) the school cop starting being a bitch to everybody. She was harassing everybody, and threatened to suspend anybody who didn't go to class IMMEDIATELY.
So I yelled out (she could see me easily also)
"You're here for our safety, not to harass us, you Fascist Pig!'
I know that 'fascist pig' is a bit too cliche, but it's all I could think of at the time.
She turns towards me, and says something like, "Oh No You Did NOT just do that!"
My friend Tyler was next to me, and we both dashed off into the hallway, behind the safety of a huge crowd of Seniors. I made my way around the school and got to English class only a few minutes late.
Even if I told my English teacher why I was late, he wouldn't get mad, he'd probably congratulate me, he's awesome like that.
So anyways, I've spent the last few hours of my life looking around the internet, for a source on a SciFi book. It's about a guy, who sees a future version of himself, but a day older. Than, the next day, he (obviously) becomes that person, and does the same stuff. Than, he sees another day older version of himself, and than they start gambling, and making a ton of money. Than I forget what happens. If ANYBODY has any relative idea to what that book could be, contact me right away!
A Senior asked ME, the stereotypical slacker kid, to do an English project for him. Does anybody know any authors that have any short stories, that were written in the last 5 years?
I need them, he's going to pay me $200 dollars (eventually)
He's not the kind of person to lie to me about money, he's about to get a job at Wal-Mart (he said it, as if he'd get paid a lot of money there) and he'll pay me back by the end of the year.
That'll be awesome.
I don't care how mainstream this song is, it's still catchy as hell:
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I've reached 650 favorites on Youtube, so I can't favorite videos anymore.
We're learning this song in a BEGINNER guitar class, it's actually quite hard, but I already know it, so I'm lucky. I feel bad for all the beginners, I only have to take it so I can take music theory next year.
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We're obviously learning the Chuck Berry version, but this is a great cover by The Beatles
I'm going to go play Pandemic 2 now, which is obviously the greatest flash game of all time.