Facebook Post:
Courtney Elizabeth: the rest of my semester is now ruined =(
2 hours ago · Comment · Like
Jami Hinds: why?
2 hours ago
(Me) Joe Ruane: Got bad teachers?
2 hours ago · Delete
Courtney Elizabeth: haha because my friend moved out of my math class and now im never gonna see him again :(
2 hours ago
Jennifer Vaughan Lague: fortunately for you, there are about 2,000 other boys to choose from, eh?
about an hour ago
(Me) Joe Ruane: overdramatic much?
4 minutes ago · Delete
Courtney Elizabeth: no.. hahha
2 minutes ago
What a whore right?
Anyways, my science teacher said that I was allergic to Flower Sperm.
I laughed ,when everybody had a straight face, and were giving me dirty looks. I love being immature.
I just beat the Water Temple for the first time, in OoT.
I've had that game since 2nd or 3rd grade.
I suck.
Contrary to the title of this, I have friends that actually don't deserve to be hanged while being beaten with the corpses of flaming infants.
I sit with them at lunch, it's awesome.
I no longer need to deal with the bullshit shenanigans of my other 'friends,' so I'm ignoring them from now on.
Actually, I just found my cell phone buried in a couch, and found a few voice mail messages from a friend, asking for me to go to the movies with a few of my friends.
I constantly tell them that I want nothing to do with them, but they take it as if I'm just kidding.
Obviously, I'm not going.
My friends are always asking me to go onto Xbox Live, or to go out with them.
First of all, I'm trying to sell my Xbox.
Nearly all of the games suck.
I hate most First Person Shooters.
That's the only genre on Xbox.
I'll sell my Xbox, and buy a SNES.
I'll have some extra money left over, and pay back my parents.
I owe them 150 dollars or something.
You know how I said I'd trade in my guitar after I got my new one?
Yeah, well I couldn't do that, I just didn't want to.
So I owe them 300 dollars, and I've payed half of it so far.
Anyways, Tell me what to write on another blank, white T-Shirt.
Nothing extremely inappropriate.
I'm not rebellious whatsoever.
I'm a pussy.
I'm thinking about doing something like this:
I shop at Hot Topic
Wear tight pants
Own an Xbox
Can't define 'Apathy'
How's that?