View Profile ChickenGod
I'm the Decoy/Bait kid that they use on 'To Catch A Predator.' The producers tell me that I'm good at seducing 60 year old men.

Age 58, Male


Joined on 10/12/08

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ChickenGod's News

Posted by ChickenGod - November 26th, 2009

/* */

Posted by ChickenGod - November 24th, 2009


Walking directions to Etna, WA
4,122 mi - about 56 days 11 hours

And I assume that's without resting.

This is going to take forever guys. It'll be so fun.

ONLY 3 more years or so.


Posted by ChickenGod - November 21st, 2009

MyGuitarSticks and I were trolling on Youtube...

I'm AppleHankyPants, and MyGuitarSticks is...well, you can guess.

omg i haet liberuls.

2 mayn cummuneests


AppleHankypants, If you're going to make a point, Please%uFEFF learn how to spell.

hay leve him ulon ashol

heay, b nic.

eh tries hard to make youtube videos, and doesn't afraid of anything.

Thank You, Apple. I wasn't trying to be mean. I just didn't understand what you were trying to say! Again, Thank You!

The best thing of it all?

colliertng sent me a friend request.


Posted by ChickenGod - November 21st, 2009

and I'm damn proud of it.

Read The Comment by "AppleHankyPants"

Posted by ChickenGod - November 19th, 2009

I should really stop going on Facebook, and other social networking sites, I'm meeting too many crazies.

Okay, I shouldn't even be making this blog, because it is based solely on assumptions, but let's just see where this goes.

So I get a friend request from a name that sounded familiar, but I know for a fact that I don't know him.

Probably talked with somebody who mentioned his name, or something else...

Anyways, so I get this:

Sam Murray: Because I'm not completely familiar with you, I'm not sure how much of a challenge this is going to be.
To which he replied to his own post (I'm not mocking that, I tend to do that sometimes too)
Sam Murray
You are a bit of a project, a risk I should say, but if I am successful, it would of been well worth it.

So I said:
Joe Ruane
Feel free to elaborate on what you're intending on doing.

My first thought was that he thought I was some ignorant dipshit, because I haven't organized my Facebook in a long time, so it's full of stupid shit I wrote when I was an ignorant trend whore. Although I guess I still agree with some of the things I said on there (pretty much insulting people who use cell phones, etc...) I saw that I was contradicting myself, by having posted my phone number (to a cell phone) on it. So I figured he though I was some hypocrite trend whore.

Than I go on a visit to his profile, and saw this:

Political Views:
Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt
Religious Views:

The Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt is a political party in Hungary (I think, I forget, I know it's a European country) that is essentially Christian Democracy.

I'm sure it's just a big misunderstanding, but it will make a great story if it's him trying to convert me to Christianity.

Posted by ChickenGod - November 19th, 2009

I am currently reading the book 'Che', obviously a biography about Che Guevara, and, although I'm not very far into it, I can tell that the author is very biased, and is very 'pro-Che.' It's not that I don't approve of this, I would prefer that to a bias against Che, just because there will be less fact suppression...

But anyways, can somebody please explain to me the political beliefs of Che Guevara?

I know he's a 'Marxist' but most people at that time who claimed they were Marxists were in fact Stalinist, or some other collective authoritarian political beliefs.

People say he was a murderer, but isn't George Washington a murderer? Actually, he was worse, he ordered the killings of people, more than the actual fighting, and he was a shitty soldier during the French and Indian war. But what do I know

But I digress...

What I'm really asking is for somebody to tell me the political beliefs of Che Guevara.

Posted by ChickenGod - November 18th, 2009

Posted by ChickenGod - November 17th, 2009

So, if you read my last post, you would know that one of my friends has decided to apply for a job at Hot Topic.

Well, today, it got so much worse.

He's convinced all of my other friends to apply for a job.

They were filling out job applications at lunch.

Although, as I said before, I'm not too surprised, I just thought I had taught them better than that.

The worst thing is that when they all came up to me, and said it, I went on this tangent where I called them whores, and how Hot Topic is a 'back up plan' for conformist douchebags to go when they want to pretend they're rebellious. They all thought I was just being funny.

But in other news, there was a pretty hilarious fight today at school. Two kids that I hated (although one more than the other) decided to try to beat the shit out of each other today. I saw the whole thing, so I will say what happened from my point of view.

Before second period, my Music Theory class, I saw a big commotion around this one douchebag kid, Matt. So I decided to see what was happening, because we a few mutual friends, so I asked him what's up, because his face was red with rage.

He punches the wall next to him, and starts stampeding down the hallway to this extremely douchebag kid, Zach.

So Matt says "YO DAWG LETS FIGHTE YO" and so they take there backpacks off (rather than just beating the shit out of each other, they had to be all courteous about it) and starting doing the biggest joke of a fight ever.

All I remember about the actual fight, before the teachers came, was that Zack kicked first, a sloppy kick, that probably didn't even connect, and they just starting pummeling each other.

So this was right outside the door (and glass see-through window) of the teacher's lounge.

So 4-5 teachers come running out and try to separate them, but they were inseparable.

My frail old science teacher almost got hit in the face, so that was funny, even though I like that teacher.

There was almost another fight before my 7th period Theater class, between 2 Freshman, but some kid ran away when the other kid showed up.

Why do people fight in school? It's totally pointless, disregarding the fact that fighting in general is just an expression of masculinity, and over-competitive over-dramatic lack of intellect.

So I got to my Theater class a little late, and the theater was totally filled, as opposed to the 10 kids in my normal theater class. So it turns out that there was a poetry reading, which I loved.

I am starting to appreciate Spoken Word poetry.
Not the poetry that's like, "THE MOON...IS WHITE...I AM...A WHITE KNIGHT" from overdramatic trend whores, who want to pretend to be really deep and artistic.

That poem I wrote a little while ago (in another blog, go find it if you're curious) that I didn't want to post was 'slam' poetry, which is what the poetry readers I saw today were doing.

I took a nap today, for how long, I don't know, but that's why I was signed on for MSN for so long, when I was away.

More Corporate Whoring

Posted by ChickenGod - November 16th, 2009

and absorb this:

So a trend whore 'friend' of mine has decided to try to get a job at Hot Topic. He says it's because "You can listen to music all day."

He clearly has no morals.

He pretends to be bisexual, and tries way too hard to impress everybody.

He's just an overall douche-bag.

So that got me thinking more clearly about who I consider a 'good' person.

People who are nice to me?

or people who are actually good?

So I was thinking this, as I walk into my Theater class, which is full of more or less my only friends.

I sit down, and everybody starts verbally harassing some kid, and he just kind of took it. He probably has ADHD or something, but he's somewhat hyperactive, so everybody's saying "OH SETTLE DOWN, UNEXPRESSED THOUGHT [which is a saying everybody uses to enforce collective authority on people who express themselves] GOD"

So I was sitting there, totally silent, and awed by my realization of how bad everybody I know is.

I hadn't realized who fucking sick these people are.

It's exactly how I put it before, collective authority. If most people agree, it happens, whether we like it or not.

But I guess this is a good thing, I've gone from my more depressive self loathing rut, to a period of time that I'll probably be incredibly angsty towards anyone, and everyone. Just like it was at the end of the year, last school year. That's a good thing, by the way, I've been feeling unnatural ever since the last week of school last year. I've been socializing, I'm glad that I can finally tell somebody to go fuck themselves, and actually mean it.

I'm being more apathetic, although does it count if you're aware of it? I'm not claiming I'm the most apathetic person in the world, by the way, but I don't really see the point of having constant hygiene, and wearing uncomfortable clothes, or getting expensive clothes that you can get 90% cheaper at a store that isn't directly associated with the rise of corporatism in America.

I'm also thinking of making new shirts for myself (with a blank white t-shirt, and a sharpie.)

What should I write?

I'm thinking of just writing " YOU " on it, just to see how people interpret it.

Disregard The Sheer Awesomeness of the Last Post...

Posted by ChickenGod - November 16th, 2009