I am currently reading the book 'Che', obviously a biography about Che Guevara, and, although I'm not very far into it, I can tell that the author is very biased, and is very 'pro-Che.' It's not that I don't approve of this, I would prefer that to a bias against Che, just because there will be less fact suppression...
But anyways, can somebody please explain to me the political beliefs of Che Guevara?
I know he's a 'Marxist' but most people at that time who claimed they were Marxists were in fact Stalinist, or some other collective authoritarian political beliefs.
People say he was a murderer, but isn't George Washington a murderer? Actually, he was worse, he ordered the killings of people, more than the actual fighting, and he was a shitty soldier during the French and Indian war. But what do I know
But I digress...
What I'm really asking is for somebody to tell me the political beliefs of Che Guevara.
Che was a socialist.
Well, if you fight (like physically, in a war) for your beliefs, you are a murderer. But it's for a greater cause.
I personally think the Cuban Revolution was amazing, and it's one of the subjects I have a particular interest in. But that is, the Revolution.
Fidel was a terrible leader and fucked everything up.
Che would've been an amazing leader, but he sympathised with the simple peasant and went off to go liberate more countries because he's a badass.
THAT is why I love Che.
Also, if you're looking for an antibias, just read one of the books he wrote. For the Cuban Revolution, Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War is a good start. Motorcycle Diaries is also a pretty interesting read.
Lol, I digress as well.
Che was basically a socialist, he was a Marxist in the sense that he applied either communist or socialist principles based on the situation he was in, and that he was anti-capitalist.
ChickenGod (Updated )
I think Che Guevara shirts are hilariously tragic.
I'll probably read the Cuban Revolution book when I'm done with the biography.