View Profile ChickenGod
I'm the Decoy/Bait kid that they use on 'To Catch A Predator.' The producers tell me that I'm good at seducing 60 year old men.

Age 58, Male


Joined on 10/12/08

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ChickenGod's News

Posted by ChickenGod - December 8th, 2009

I'm being an overdramatic whore.

I deleted my facebook, and felt better

Posted by ChickenGod - December 8th, 2009

I just spent half an hour or so crying over stupid shit.

No particular reason, but of the things that are bad, most the most persisting problems are:
-Broken guitars, can't fix.
-Parents are cunts, refuse to leave me to my own
-Random Self Loathing
-Miscellaneous Mood Disorder

I honestly want to kill some of my friends.

They sure as hell deserve it

But I obviously won't, because I'm far too much of a pussy.

I'm thinking about declining that invitation to a birthday party I got. All of the Anime Club kids will be there, and it's not like they're all bad people, they're just mostly irritating. Sure, a few decent people will be there, it's not really worth being around a ton of people.

I know what you're all thinking. I'm a spoiled whore, because I actually do have friends, and the fact that I disregard/belittle them every chance I get is just horrible.

I have nothing to say to that. I just do it. They're whores. I'm judgmental. They sell their originality, humanity, ethics, morals, and culture everywhere. I call them whores all the time. Who's truly worse?

Posted by ChickenGod - December 7th, 2009

I have had absolutely nothing to blog about. Although that's probably an excuse my subconscious mind has thought up for me, to cover up the fact that I lack any kind of motivation to perform any kind of action, whether I enjoy it or not, and the realization of this has caused my subconscious mind to go into a state of panic and paranoia, to the point that I just want to bash my head into something until I am unconscious. I could easily write about how my mother is attempting to restrict the feeble amount of independence that I have gained, for her own benefit. I could easily write about the artistically challenged "artists", or so they call themselves, where their most artistic feat is being able to play some generic Yngwie Malmsteem-esque song on their generic Gibson brand guitar, and how their hair is grown past their shoulders, so they can mimic their favorite 'artist', with whom they only 'enjoy' because that 'artist' has sold everything that they have produced, for their own monetary benefit. I could easily blog about the lack of form in this entire blog. I could easily write about the fact that this blog is self aware, in some kind of meta-blog way. I could easily blog about my lack of poetic ability, and how my self loathing because of this fact even further stalls any artistic or poetic process that may be going on. I could easily blog about the fact that I just received a text message during the writing of the last sentence, exclaiming "NO THIS IS PATRICK" from somebody named Jeff, with which I am going to visit his girlfriend at her birthday party. I could easily write about how much I loathe cell phones, but that I own one, despite the fact that I have only sent a handful of text messages, I still loathe myself for it. I could easily blog about how I use commas too much, in an attempt to space out my run on sentences better. I could easily write about how I can't decide whether to say "I could easily write" or "I could easily blog". I could easily blog about the Velvet Underground, whom I am listening to right now. I could easily write about how I am totally unsure about the use of 'whom' as opposed to 'who', and whether I used it correctly in the last sentence or not. I could easily write about how I forgot to acknowledge that I have used 'whom' elsewhere in this blog before, without correcting myself. I could easily blog about how I haven't used the 'backspace' key while writing this. I could easily write about how that last sentence is an utter lie. I could easily write about how those last two sentences were extraordinarily unoriginal. I could easily blog about how cliche it is to point out your own unoriginality in an attempt to not seem unoriginal, but only end up being twice as unoriginal. I could easily blog about how much I hate the people who acknowledge my existence at my school, but haven't I done that in every blog I have written so far? I could easily blog about my lack of linguistic skills. I could easily blog about the fact that I just got an Instant Message from the very same Jeff that I mentioned before, asking "So why are your mother and father cunts and ignorant." referencing a facebook status that I had recently posted. I could easily blog about the fact that he should have had a question mark at the end of his sentence. I could easily blog about how much I hate facebook, and other social networking websites, but how I use it anyways. I could easily blog about how I don't have anything to blog about, but I just did that right now didn't I?

Posted by ChickenGod - December 2nd, 2009

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My life has been reletively uneventful. I've managed to avoid my 'friends'.

The only thing to report on my life is that the weekend after next, I will be making a movie for English class with some people at my house, and I will be doing the post-production stuff, like editting, and the soundtrack.

For the music, I plan on making a ton of dissonant noises with my guitar.

But Tyler, one of the people doing it with me, wrote the script, and also wrote a theme song.

I have to write lyrics for the theme, so I'm just going to have us yell 'ORPHIC!' over and over again, because that's the name of a character he made up.

I've been having trouble writing music lately. I've been having to combine old songs of mine to get new songs.

I promise you all that by the end of the month, I will have written a new song though.

Also this:

Virgilia says:
"Dot (voiced by Tress MacNeille), the youngest of the three (supposedly 6 years old)"
"most notably Mel Gibson (She said she would "marry that man").'

Salvatore Hankypants says:
I've been listening to the Velvet Underground a lot lately

Michael says:
Virgilia says:

Salvatore Hankypants says:

Virgilia says:
I hear they're good.
Can you confirm this?

Salvatore Hankypants says:
What, six year olds? Well, I prefer six year old boys to six year old girls, but that's just my opinion

Virgilia says:

Generic Video Post, and Recent Activies

Posted by ChickenGod - November 29th, 2009

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Posted by ChickenGod - November 28th, 2009



Posted by ChickenGod - November 28th, 2009

Posted by ChickenGod - November 28th, 2009

I've been moving away from the normal pop songs I do to some really dirty sounds.

What I tend to do in solo is to bash on the neck a bit, and thrash the guitar around, kick the guitar, etc...

I usually do this with a Telecaster, on the neck pick-up.

What do the guitarists out there do for anti-solos?


Posted by ChickenGod - November 28th, 2009

Pelswick Eggert (voiced by Robert Tinkler) - A 13 year old with a dick nose who is in a wheelchair and has a guardian angel. He dislikes people regarding him differently because of his disability.

Posted by ChickenGod - November 27th, 2009

That rhymes more than the first time I did this.

I Took A Poo, And Took A Picture Too (Part 2)