...is making plans to go on a short vacation to Seattle, where I used to live, and I will be visiting my old neighborhood, and old friends and such.
I'll be leaving on the 18th, so I'll be jumpy until then, just in anticipation.
I still remember how to get around my old neighborhood. I could probably draw a map of it if I wanted too.
I love Seattle too, I used to make a trip there every once in a while, and my family and I would go around Pike Place Market. I remember how much I just loved the atmosphere of Seattle, especially the area around the Museums and Pike Place Market.
I might be able to get on MSN or something while I'm out there, I think my father is bringing his laptop, but it won't be very frequent at all, so from the week after next Thursday (not the Thursday this week, and not the one next week, but the one after that) to Sunday, I'll be gone.
There's more of a sense of community in Seattle than in Boston. In Boston, if there's a street performer, everybody crowds around, maybe drop some money in his hat or guitar case or whatever, then moves on, and pretty much forgets about them after a while. In Seattle, and it may be because I had unfond memories of Boston that I'm comparing it like this, the street performances were just so jolly. If somebody threw a fish in some strange fashion at the Market, and it was caught, there would be joyous uproar from across the entire square.
I might visit some of the museums, but not very likely, but I'd love to visit the Science and/or Art museum again. I remember going there in 4th and 5th grade.
I might bring my video camera, so expect a video.
I may also visit the dojo that I took Karate at there. I expect some Nostalgia.
I have also never experienced the overrated and overpriced Starbucks Coffee, so I may have some there. (Not that there isn't Starbucks here in NH, I just feel like being a traditionalist douchebag.)
I also discovered that Public Transportation in Seattle is free. Jizzed.
I also might visit the Crocodile Cafe, just to see what it was like.
I probably won't go near Sodo or West Seattle, except maybe to see Puget Sound, and perhaps experience some Nostalgia from a 5th grade field trip to Alki Beach. I remember all of the barnacles, nothing else.
I also recently realized that when I get angry, I sound like Matt Damon, just proving that I'm internally repressing my Bostonian accent.
I'm also downloading a few Gus Van Sant movies. Gerry, Good Will Hunting (speaking of Matt Damon), and Last Days.