Apparently my house was on fire or something.
I was just about to leave for school, and I was looking for my glasses when my dad ran upstairs and said 'GET EVERYBODY OUT OF THE HOUSE'
So I was already on my way out anyways, because I gave up on looking for my glasses, and I saw that smoke was coming from the basement window.
Fortunately, it was just shitty New Hampshire heating in my house, and the oil burner was on too high or something.
So when my dad turned the oil burner off, we all went back inside, and my sister was complaining about how if she knew there was a fire, she would have gotten her laptop.
Anyways, by lunchtime, I was really hyper for no reason, and started making an ass at myself, pretty much repeating, "AHM GUNNA GO DO CRACK WIT DUH AFRICA KIDZ AFTER SKOOL" as I burst into laughter at my own attempt at humor.
After school, I stay after for about an hour, and do my homework, because everybody is threatening to kick me out of school if I don't do homework, so I figured that I might as well make an effort.
So after taking notes (and notes in my school isn't for purpose of learning, it's for the purpose of doing busy-work, so the teachers don't get their asses fired) on the discovery of DNA in my biology book, a few of my emo trend whore 'friends' had smelt me from across the school, and decided to sit with me.
Either they have developed a sense of smell, or I just smell really bad.
Probably the latter.
Normal trend whore stuff they did. They discussed their lack of artistic ability, while boasting at the same time how 'cool' they look in the process of failing.
I fell asleep for a few hours after I got home.
I love taking naps.
I also made this homemade string instrument last night.