I broke my amp, and am going to save up for a cheap tube amp.
Any recommendations? I want a really dirt-cheap, piece of shit amp. Although size doesn't really matter, but the bigger the better.
I've been looking at this amp, and other fender amps. I've heard a lot of good things about them.
I also walk home 3-4 miles now. It's pretty refreshing.
I'm going to see The Glass Menagerie tomorrow at my school. I'm well acquainted with the Theater teacher there that's directing it, and I trust that it'll be good.
I've also been informed that we're going to read 1984 in my Literature class, so I'm pretty excited.
I also made one of these.
(My War actually isn't my favorite album, I don't have one, so I decided to put what I was listening to at the time I did this)
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