I feel like shit.
I feel like every single limb of my body is being pressed into each other. My muscles have been at constant tensity for the last half week, and my sleep schedule is fucked up.
I can't seem to think straight, and I have been staring blankly at nothing.
My lips are so dry that they feel really soft and smooth. It's so painful.
My eyes hurt. Really bad. I feel like I need to concentrate just to do minor tasks.
Watching Requiem For A Dream also put me in a shitty mood, but it's a great movie.
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Elvis is my mother.
We were conjoined at the testicles at birth.
And Dan is our son, that is somehow older than both of us and is the one that separated us at birth
Also Michael is our mother but I came out of the vag a year after you
so michael is my grandmother, and dan is my son and step-father.
makes so much sense.