...that my went back in time about 5 years, and I knew almost everything that was going to happen.
I've been thinking about how I would react if that happened.
What would you do, if you could go back in time about 5 years or so, and have to re-do everything you've done?
I would probably hate it, because the reason I live is because I don't know what's going to happen.
Lately, everybody has been looking the same. Not in the usual way though. People's faces, in my mind, are blending together it seems, and I can't recognize anybody.
It's really weird.
Probably lack of sleep.
I usually act more like myself when I am extremely tired. I'm always pissed at everybody. When I'm well rested, I love everybody, even when I know that I hate that person.
I tend to be subconsciously intellectual when I'm tired, but when I'm awake, I act like a moron. At least more than the usual manic states I go into when I'm in large groups of people.
People think I'm really extroversial, but I'm not at all. I just get really manic.
It's not that I want to be alone, I wouldn't call myself 100% introversial.
I'm most happy when I'm with 2-3 people I love.
Any more, and I tend to be a total jackass.
Even when I'm with the people I love, or loved at one point, I act like a total jackass. But I guess in a more humble way. Hard to explain I guess.
I haven't written a good song in a long time, or at least good in my standards.
I think I finally have a pretty decent one down, I should record a demo of it sometime and post it here.
I still need to put drums in Chicken Patty, but I'm not skilled enough to do it. I have an acquaintance that is really good at the drums apparently, and said he would record something for me.
My lips are incredibly chapped, and it's not even dry out, in fact, I'm pretty sure it's raining at the moment.
That 8 year old must get all the lolis.