This is going to seem awkward, because I am intending that this blog expresses my frustration, but while writing this, or at least mentally composing this in my subconscious, I am having a fun conversation with Virgilia, which makes me happy. So for any awkwardness that isn't usually present in my blogs, I apologize.
I might as well continue before I digress from what I've been meaning to address.
I am going into a state of self loathing that I haven't reached before. I feel generic, I feel...
I can't even finish my thought from how auto-phobic I feel right now.
I feel worse because how overdramatic that sounded, and I feel worse because how self conscious I sound right now.
I think I'm getting stupider.
The fact that I couldn't come up for a word better than 'stupider' is proof.
Have any of you read Flowers For Algernon? It's about a man with mental handicaps, who gets brain surgery, and becomes increasingly intelligent, only to return to his state of mental retardation (excuse the term please)
I think my subconscious mind is plotting against me. I'm being somewhat facetious here, but there is some meaning to it.
/overdramatic blog