Fun day today.
In my history class, we all got on the subject of pirating music, and I obviously want to promote free music, so I love pirating music. ARRRGG!
So I went on a short, but somewhat strongly worded rant against capitalism, without actually saying 'capitalism.'
To sum it up, I said that people, including musicians, shouldn't be motivated by money, but rather self motivation. The self motivated musicians are so much better.
I didn't say 'capitalism' because I wanted to see if people agreed with me. about 75% of the class agreed with me, than I announce, "Wow guys, you're all SOCIALISTS!"
They all dropped there hands.
I love how a lot of people hate Capitalism, but because they define Socialism as Communism, and Communism as Statism, anything other than Capitalism is evil.
In Theater class, we're writing poetry, and my Theater read us one of his poems about the Iraqi War, and I swear, it was basically "The Brink" (by Ross) in the form of a poem.
I got all giddy, and was hyper for the rest of the day.
Than I went on a bike ride with my friend, and we went to the Elementary school we grew up in (or he did, I only went for a few months, before I moved.) and than I suggested that we go to the High School (that we're in now).
It took us an hour or so, but we got there, and rode around there, while I yelled 'THE GAME' as loud as I could at everybody.
Nearly everybody recognized me, which made me feel terrible, because I hate thinking of myself as 'popular.'
Than my friend said there was a Wal-Mart near by, and I explained that I always wished there was a Wal-Mart nearby (I thought he was kidding)
So we got to a train track, and we had to cross, and we kept mocking 'Stand By Me' by yelling "TRAAAAAAAIIIIIINNNNN!!!!"
We got to Wal-Mart, than realized we couldn't put our bikes anywhere, so we went back home.
Also: This Video Is Beautiful. He was just expressing his taste for the team.
rofl. it's amazing how your topic has nothing to do with fish testicles. insanely amazing. you could be considered an idol by random people.
This did have something to do with Fish Testicles.