Record and Upload Pet Cactus: Done
Tab Out Pet Cactus For RockMessiah123: Not Done
Do Song Cuts for a shitty Green Day song, for a IRL friend: Done
Cover RockMessiah's song 'June 19th': Not Done
Homework: Not Done
That Doodle I was doing in Math Class yesterday: Done
This is the doodle: It's one big line, looped around.
I'm going to disembowel my 'friend.' I swear.
Caroline Victoria
haircut soon? im getting bored of the same old hair.
Esther DiCarlo
me too. i wanna dye my hair really dark brown! (: what do u think?
Caroline Victoria
nooooo, maybe a few low lights. but don't go ALL dark brown.
Esther DiCarlo
why?? i think i would look great!! (:
Joe Ruane
I might dye my hair with kool-aid sometime. I'm thinking either pink, but I'm open to suggestions.
Esther DiCarlo
joe!!! youre crazy! pink just isnt your color. im thinking more like green or blue.
Joe Ruane
That's what I was thinking, but adding a little pink to my diet of monochrome often pisses off homophobes who are afraid of male femininity
Esther DiCarlo
haha. theres a kid on my bus who dyed his hair pink! XD (i rarely use this smiley face...)
Caroline Victoria
there's this kid who dyed his hair red and he freakin looks like the Wendy's girl!!!
Esther DiCarlo
haha. thats probly the same kid whose on my bus!!!
Caroline Victoria
does he make you want a frosty?
Esther DiCarlo
no. he makes me wanna punch him in the face for doing that.
Caroline Victoria
it's the same feeling :D
Esther DiCarlo
haha. esther<3caroline! :D
Caroline Victoria
me too!!
Caroline Victoria
oh i mean caroline %u2665 esther
Esther DiCarlo
haha(: joes a faggggggg!! lol. dying his hair with koolaid! what a goof!
Caroline Victoria
hey, come'on don't use that word, NOT COOL! :D
Esther DiCarlo
whateverrrrr. (: cant break old habits! lol
Caroline Victoria
nah, but you can create new ones :)
Esther DiCarlo
whatever. i like that word! (: ur silly.
Joe Ruane
Calling somebody a faggot (assuming that 'fag' is short for faggot) literally means, in an extremely homophobic manner, that you're threatening to burn me at the stake.
Caroline Victoria
i know, joe. she doesn't mean it like that. it's just a dumb slang. no worries :)
Joe Ruane
Just spreading facts. In my opinion, it's just as bad as 'n****r' or 'chink' or other slang words that are considered ignorant.
Caroline Victoria
it'll soon fade out. and people will look back in awe, then come up with new offensive words.
you know how it goes
Esther DiCarlo
it will not fade out. the slang insult "fag" or "faggot" has been around since the 80's. just ask my mother. and stop being so personal about it. almost everybody in the teenage population uses fag, so just get over yourself.
Joe Ruane
It's ignorant, and offensive. Fag and fagot has been around since the middle ages, it just grew in popularity during the 80s because of the AIDS crisis.
It's extremely homophobic, whether it's meant or not, and I can only ask that you not use it.
It will fade out, probably once homophobia fades out, the term will slowly fade out.
Esther DiCarlo
you spelled "faggot" wrong. and seriously? everybody uses it, it wont fade out, most people are straight and homophobic, its just gonna be like that forever. and again, get over yourself. no one really cares that the word "fag" and "faggot" mean calling somebody gay. its just developed into an insulting slang term for anybody and evrybody. its not really towards the gays. ok? i am going to continue to use it FOREVER until i die. its just what i do. so whatever.
Caroline Victoria
i really never thought my best friend would act like this? you're enforcing stereotypes and ignorance. esther, im kinda shocked/ disturbed? you really can't be serious about "i am going to continue to use it FOREVER until i die"
it's not only offensive towards gay people, but it shows lack of refinement...
Joe Ruane
'everybody uses it...' does that justify that fact that it was used?
It wasn't developed into a slang word, there's history behind it.
And it's not like she doesn't know I'm bisexual. Actually, while I'm on the subject of my sexuality, I guess I'm closer to being pansexual, but whatever.
If you can't tell, this argument, if it can be called that, is still ongoing.
Listen to Toad by Cream. Fucking awesome Drum solo.
Not a big fan of Cream, but I do respect the drummer, he's great.