But this isn't
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I fucking love this guy.
Today in my theater class, my character was writing their name on a board, but instead of writing my characters' name, I wrote THE GAME.
I continued, staying in character.
At the end of class, my Theater teacher, who usually loves me, threw a tantrum, and made me feel like shit for the rest of the day.
On the contrary, in my History class, I kicked ass.
Tomorrow, there's a test in that class, so he got us to play Jeopardy, and since nobody knew anything, I answered nearly EVERY QUESTION.
My team won a bunch of extra credit.
People said that I must be great at taking notes. I showed them that I hadn't taken one note all year.
I don't get it. You go to class, write down the teacher's every word.
How can you do that!?
I realize that I sound like a stuck up fucking douche.
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9u3zvy 1OXU&feature=sub
Do it.
I love 900RedYoshi.
Great LP-er
One of my friends gave me their Pokemon Silver game.
So even MOAR Pokemon action for me.
i love that comics its funny