I'm an anti-monetarist, libertarian objectivist populist socialist.
Whoa, lots of contradiction there.
I believe in rule by the people, and that the lower class should be cared for.
Money should not be the focus, and it should not be the sole motivation for progress.
I'm an objectivist, but I still agree with some ideas of collectivism.
So I guess I'm a generous objectivist.
Focus on the individual, and how they help society.
I hate competition, so I guess I'm an anti-capitalist, although I know that competition CAN WORK in certain conditions.
Still don't agree with it.
Don't disagree with me, I don't want to debate, because I have no wish to change my beliefs.
Feel free to tell me your beliefs though.
Anyways, in my Study class, this whore was doing her Math homework...
She yells out, "HOW MANY ZEROS ARE THERE IN 4,000,000?!?!"
I thought she was joking at first.
But she wasn't.
As if that wasn't bad enough, some jock douchebag yells back, "I think there's 9 of them."
He wasn't kidding, he was dead serious.
The whole class than decides that there are 10 digits in a million.
I eventually yelled in her face, "There's SIX ZEROS in a million you shit!"
"Thanks!" she says, ignoring the last part I said.
I should convince her to kill herself.
This is the best form of government though:::