There was this big debate over 'The Prince' by Machiavelli in my Social Studies class, and I was against the authoritarian principles of it, and so was everybody my teacher used to be a corporate lawyer, so he is good at both lying, and changing people's opinions.
At the beginning of class, everybody disagreed with inflicting fear into people, but by the end more than half had changed their opinions, without a fight, I was the only one on my side (the ones against authority) that was debating.
I'm awesome.
I'm doing alright in music theory, I sure am trying damn hard to keep up with the upper class-folk.
Science is alright, my desk is smaller than my arm, and my bag doesn't fit under the desk, so I'm usually pretty cramped.
Literature is alright too. I get really hyper in that class, and I end up being obnoxious... obnoxious is a compliment by the way (in my opinion at least.)
Lunch is fun, none of my 'friends' in my grade level are in it, and that's a good thing, they can be motherfucking annoying. I love Juniors. I'm a sophomore by the way.
Math is surprisingly easy. Last night's homework (I copied from somebody else, because I lost my book) was subtraction...just simple 1st grade subtraction.
Theater is incredible. I don't consider myself an actor whatsoever, but I love the teacher, and it's really fun.
French is alright, I don't hate it, and it's fun to re-learn a language.
I wrote a few new songs, so that's why there's a bunch of delay on the collaboration I'm doing, and all of the re-recordings of some of the other songs.
You have Algebra II I assume? Geometry here, with a fucking annoying Indian teacher who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, ever.
We had something like that debate last year. It was the topic of legalising street drugs, and I was the only one for it.
No, Geometry for sophomores, our school is a year behind schedule, and doesn't teach it well. I blame inbreeding, and lack of gov. funding.