Not really.
But what I did do was upload a new version of 'Pet Cactus' with real instruments...Piano, Drums, and Guitar.
I think I did pretty good.
I left the mistakes in, because I am way too lazy to do more than 3 takes each...
Although on the piano I did 5 or 6 takes.
Drums only took 2
Guitar took 2
And for the piano, I didn't do the chords seperate from the main riff, I did them together, so, considering that, I think I did pretty good.
I'm trying to think of all of the songs I've written, and in what order...I think it goes like this:
1.) Bread and Butter
2.) Will's Lemon Version 1 (A lot different than the version I have on my other account)
3.)Will's Lemon Version 2 (The one you all know and love, on my other account)
4.) Dwelling of the Swine
5.) Chicken Patty
6.) Worry Wart.
7.) Noodles...
and the rest is history.
I have never recorded anything more than one take ever.
level up yay
Picture made me moist.
I guess I try too hard.
The picture is awesome, because you know, that if you were in any danger, and the man in the picture appeared, you know that halp would be there.