I might sell my guitars for a better one.
My birthday is on the 29th (Better be getting fucking presents from you guys!!!) and I feel like I need a new guitar. My family is kind of rich, so they're giving me a hundred dollars for my birthday. I'll probably be getting some money from my assorted semi-rich Aunts Uncles and Grandparents.
I'm selling my 2 Fender Strats (one's a Squire, one's a Fender Fat Strat (it has a humbucker)
It will also be the 2 year anniversary of when I first started playing guitar...
I'll probably get $50 (or less, it's pretty fucked up) from the Squire, and I don't know how much I'll get for the Fat Strat...
I don't bother naming my guitars...
If I do sell my guitars and get a new one, I'll let all of you, Newgrounds, name my guitar...
I'll keep you posted.
rich parents or second hand guitars?
Both I guess.