Well, actually I haven't. I still don't know what song to cover, but I'm stuck between these:
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I'll probably do this one separate from the cover I plan to do, but it's a 12 bar blues jam.
It sounds kind of like this, but much different at the same time.
This is Clapton and Page, together, doing a song called 'Tribute to Elmore.'
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and my personal favorite (that I want to do)
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Vote for which one, and it'll probably be which one i want to do.
For the 1983, I'll probably sing, and it will probably have some electric guitar and drums in it, but I don't know.
You know what, I'll try to play Bron Au Yr, if it's chosen, but it's kinda hard, because I suck at acoustic guitar, especially with odd tunings.
For the 12 bar blues one, I'll definitely do, but not exactly like the video I just embedded. But the riff is influenced by a riff that was influenced by that riff (lolwut?)
If I do Calling The Kettle, I'll sing in it, and it may or may not be acoustic, and it may or may not have drums in it.
Tell me which song I should do!!!!!
My vote goes to Bron Au Yr, but you could try doing a medley.
Unless it fails.
The medley would fail, too many different genres.