View Profile ChickenGod
I'm the Decoy/Bait kid that they use on 'To Catch A Predator.' The producers tell me that I'm good at seducing 60 year old men.

Age 58, Male


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Well that failed; Also Heavy Metal.

Posted by ChickenGod - April 10th, 2009

I almost thought that account would last a bit longer. I expected a ton of gay porn on it before somebody changed the password.
So who did it anyways?
Just curious.

I'm watching Heavy: The Story Of Metal. I don't like it too much, but I've seen it at least 10 times. I hate KISS, along with all of the other hair bands. Although KISS meets the Phantom, looks absolutely hilarious.

My guitar teacher always says that KISS was the first Power Rangers. It's so true.

Tomorrow, I get to play 'Same Old Song And Dance' by Aerosmith . I take guitar lessons, so every half a year, there's a concert that we all play a song in. They'll pair together a few guitarists, a bassist, and a drummer, and teach them a song. Other songs being played are 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', 'Blackened' my guitar teacher and my friend are doing this one, 'Mr. Crowley' My friend is doing this one (same one that's doing blackened) and a ton of other stuff...Even a Jonas Brothers song. Disgusting...

I'm excited; I'm the lead guitarist, and this is my first concert. I have a great 'band' although I hesitate to call them a band, because it's only temporary. I have a great drummer, he's probably one of the most experienced in the group. The Rhythm guitarist, and the other lead guitarist (he only plays one solo, although I wanted to give him another, but he wouldn't let me) are somewhat inexperienced, although the other lead guitarist can pull off a fairly good solo. I'm still debating if I should use my cheap squire stratocaster, and smash the guitar at the end, just for good measure. Although I doubt I'll do that, I want to sell it. My bassist is also really good, although I wish they'd turn his bass up just a little bit more, it's somewhat hard to hear.

I'm playing through a Marshall amp I think, and at the rehearsal last week, it sounded incredible, paired with my Fender Mexican Fat Strat.

I'm also planning on going to New York after High School; New York City that is. I'm reading two books that relate, and have scenes in New York, and they somewhat fascinate me. The books are 'Catcher In The Rye' and 'Wolves Of The Calla'

I just saw Dee Snider say that KISS 'sold out'. DEE SNIDER! From Twisted Sister. I don't think the hair bands know how corporate they are. The only heavy metal bands that I like are: Black Sabbath (With Ozzy), [Some Of] Slayer, Alice In Chains (although I don't count them as metal, they call themselves metal, so I just consider them a heavy metal band) and some of Ozzy's early solo career. And even then, Ozzy's solo career was somewhat bad. I only like it because Randy Rhoads is a great guitarist. Also Stemage, they're probably one of the only heavy metal bands that I actually REALLY like.

Some douchebag kids in my school mock me for not liking Slipknot. It's really goddamn annoying. One of these kids likes to pretend he's punk, and calls himself a skater all of the time. I constantly say talking to my friends 'Oh, you're just so punk, listening to your green day and blink 182' and of course I say it in a lisp. The other kid worships the previous kid I was talking about. He does everything that he does; except he fails at it. He's the cookie cutter 'tool'

I don't use the word 'tool' much, but there's no word that can describe them well enough besides 'tool.'

I have yet to meet somebody who is truly individual. I have a few friends that are actually somewhat individual, and have asked if I wanted to join there band, but I always decline; for several reasons: He hates The Beatles; He likes Metal; He likes Emo. Although I told him that I'd "produce" his band. By produce, I meant that I'd record his music, then edit it, then post it on Newgrounds or something. I'm sure that everybody in his band hates me, because one wears Hot Topic all the time (Although I actually like that kid a little) and the other does drugs, just to pretend he's all 'badass' and everything. The most awkward part about the last person, is he's my ex girlfriend's ex boyfriend. My ex girlfriend broke up with him to go out with me, so there's always been some tension between us. My friend also wants me to 'produce' his music because I actually know about music, so I would probably assist with some of the songwriting. Although the only 'official' members of his band are the kid that wears Hot Topic, and himself. The kid that wears Hot Topic is the singer, and My friend is the guitarist.

If I found somebody that liked progressive rock, and punk at the same time, then I'd try to start a band with them without hesitation. Unfortunately, the only person that likes anything similiar to my musical taste...is my english teacher, and that's somewhat pathetic.

OK, now the metal show just mocked Led Zeppelin for having blues songs on there record...THOSE ARE THERE BEST SONGS!!! The bluesy, psychedelic wah solos are so much better than the repetitive (although good) heavier songs.

This is my definition of how metal has stayed together this whole time: They try to play the same song, but in a different generation. It's terrible. They all try to play only one genre, Heavy Metal. They fail to be individual. Where I live, the kids only like metal because their parents listen to country, and they want to feign rebellion, by listening to metal.

I hate Judas Priest, not just necessarily their songs, their songs are alright...for metal, but I hate their fans, and their propaganda. The only good metal is early metal, and early thrash. I love really early thrash, because it was pretty much black flag, but with high end equipment. It was good, and it murdered the hair bands.

I'm actually content lately. There's this one person that I really like, and she actually gives me a sensation of having a compromise of emotion. Normally I feel very bipolar, always either angry, or depressed, or manic, and never having any kind of peace, but now I feel much more serene when I'm around her. I'm not being obsessive though, I find people that are obsessive over their girlfriend (especially while they're still in school) very annoying. With the exception of some of John and Yoko's situations, I find over obsessive relationships pointless. Everybody in my school pretends to be very sensitive, when they only want sex. It's absolutely disgusting how much class there is in my school.

I guess that's why I like being a guitarist. When You're a guitarist, there's no need to masturbate, or have any other sexual release...it's just not necessary, you get your sexual release with your guitar. I have a 'friend' who is so perverted, he is just unbearable how immaturely perverted he is. He'll just sit at a table (he sits with me at lunch) listen to a conversation, and any time that something is said, whether it can sound perverted or not, he makes it sound so sick and twisted. I mean, I do that for certain things, like when somebody says something that's meant to be perverted, but is in the wrong context, I'll usually say something like 'are you sure about that?' or something like that, and the lulz commence. But when this kid does it, it's absolutely disgusting.

That's actually how I really met that girl that I mentioned before, we were mocking all of the perverts in the school; especially him, because he was perverting everything we said. We also really got to know each other from discussing how she writes stories. She's a writer I guess, and apparently she's really good. She'll spend hours a day writing a story, I actually find it pretty cool, although I couldn't see myself doing that.

Today is the first day with pretty good weather. Every other day this week, since all the snow has melted (it just melted about a week and a half ago) it's been really windy, but today it was very nice out. Almost enjoyable. It was probably around 55 to 60 degrees out, and that's really warm for spring in New Hampshire. It'll get up to 90 degrees in the summer. In the winter it's almost ALWAYS below zero. In late winter, it's ALWAYS below freezing. So this is heaven for me right now.

Lately, I've been making mental poems. I'll just randomly memorize this one saying that will come into my mind. So I'll eventually start writing lyrics for some songs I have, and probably upload them.

Seriously guys, listen to the album 'Strati' by Stemage, It's a masterpiece. I listen to that full album every day. Seriously, look up Stemage.

This picture is my favorite, of course excluding all of the awesome smiley face wallpapers I have posted

Well that failed; Also Heavy Metal.


You in this girl cpould probably make a good love story.

We have different music tastes my friend. But I do like some blues, classical, country.

You ever heard of that song "Devil went down to Georgia"? I sorta like it, but I hate it at the same time. People listen to it and then they think that it means that they listen to country. They're all like "O YA I LISTEN TO COUNTRY LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!1!!111!1!!11o ne11!!11!eleven1!!1one hundrred one1!!!". The lsat time I heard someone say that, I almost stabbed myself with a pen.

Hilarious pic. Reminds me of a tank that says "DON;T WORRY GUYS THE INTERNET IS HERE" I love mitvational pics.

I love that picture; along with all motivational pic. And I love the lyrics to Devil Went Down To Georgia. I'm not a huge fan of modern country though, but I like Very early country.

I also suck at love stories. Although It's a good concept for me...

Wow, that was the first time I complained about people. And just for that, you get a free soda.