I had a good idea that I stole from Pink Floyd.
I should record a song with homemade instruments!
Does anybody know how to make any? Preferably one that can do more than 3 notes.
I'm so thirsty right now for some reason. I don't know why I'm telling you this though...
I tried making a makeshift string instrument out of a shoebox, but I failed miserably, and now I'm out of rubber bands, although I'm sure there are some in my room.
Funniest Link Ever And this time it's not a rick roll, I promise.
NewGrounds needs to learn this.
I finally am pleased with a song I've been doing. It's a mix of 'Dwelling' and 'Worry Wart' I realize I suck at making names for songs, so I'll put some thought into this time. The song is a whole step down in tuning, and has chorus in it, and it sounds fantastic. I need a microphone though, because when I record the drums, it sounds terrible, the only thing you can hear is the snare, and even when I hit it softly, it sounds terrible, so It'll be a while.
This picture is relevant to the post, trust me.
When you promise, it assures me that it's a Rick Roll. I fell for a your Rick Roll the first time. I didn't heed Silver's warning, but back then I was naive.
Great text for the pic:
Wrinkle Dog dissaproves.
No seriously it isn't a rick roll. I tell you what, I'll let you fondle with Silver's penis if it is a Rick Roll. I love that word 'Fondle.'