-My father works for a huge corporation called Raytheon, and he makes missiles. He was raised by a homophobic, racist WWII vet, so you can somewhat see where he got it.
-My mother is a 'housewife' and she believes anything that Charlie Gibson, or any other television 'star' says. She's extremely conservative, even though she knows nothing of government, but she's conservative, in the fact that: every single action she has ever taken in her life, is ruled by family tradition, and the Catholic Church.
-My sister is a trend whore. Enough said. The only thing she does all day are the following:
1.) Text
2.) Go on AIM and Myspace
3.) Text
4.) Watch 'The Secret Life of The American Teenager' or 'Parental Control'
5.) Go over friends house.
6.) Text
My mother's extended family is a cookie cutter version of the Irish catholic family. I have not seen any of them sober for more than an hour or two. Even when they used to force there beliefs on me, and make me go to church, they'd be somewhat buzzed. Every holiday, I fear for my life as a family member drives me around, drunk as an Irish cop on a Monday during traffic.
My father's extended family really isn't all that bad.
Fellow Students
I'm not going to say any names, but I'll just do it in one long explanatory rant:
The people that claim I'm there 'friend' are utter douchebags. One person is obviously an ignorant redneck. She constantly talks about her father in Texas. Every time I'm in a rant, she goes out of her way to tell me to shut up. Then, we used to be in the same gym class, she would be nice to me during class, when only my other 'friends' were around. Another friend hates gays. It's so obvious. When I said to her 'Oh, I'm probably bisexual' she was in total shock, and then she never talked to me that much after that. Then, on facebook, she said how much better Bush was then Obama, and that Obama was a terrorist. I said that Obama isn't a terrorist, he funded a Radical Anarchist school teacher once before, but that's the closest he got. Another friend visits hot topic every day. Then she has the nerve to write on her Myspace 'I like punk music, so I'm punk' or something like that. She listens to Avril Lavigne, and Green Day. She says she's Wiccan, but she invited me and a few others to go to bible study with her. I accepted for some reason, and you can see what happened in an older blog post. Another friend, who hated me before, but now that she thinks that I'm cool, because I have a Facebook, she's in love with me now. She doesn't know what a Socialist is, and she makes fun of Obama for being a socialist. Another friend pretends that she's rebellious for 'not conforming.' She claims she doesn't care what people think of her one day, then I jokingly called her fat when she asked me, then she yelled at me for saying that. And it was extremely obvious that I was kidding. Another friend plays video games for at least 10 hours a day. He listens to rap, and heavy metal, and calls himself hardcore all the time. He's funny to mock every once in a while, but it seriously gets annoying whilst talking to him. Another friend mocks me because I suck at video games. I play a few times every month (I don't play at all anymore) and he expects me to be a Lance Corporal in Halo 3. I didn't even know there were ranks online! Most of my guy friends are obsessed with video games, and most of my girl friends are obsessed with there looks.
I hate my friends and my family so much. It's not the 'I hate my family because I'm punk' thing, it's 'I hate being around my family, every time I hear there voice, I get irritated.' Thing. And it's not at 'I hate my friends because they're different than me' thing, It's a 'I hate my friends because they're all ignorant conformists'
I find this picture hilarious.