Endless, Nameless is an awesome song.
It's on the Come As You Are single (also on Nevermind as a secret track)
I seriously couldn't live without that song. It's so fun to play on guitar.
I suggest anybody that plays guitar to learn it.
Also 'Red House' by Jimi Hendrix is an awesome song to jam to.
Really bluesy.
One of my friends is coming over to my house to jam with me. We both play guitar. He wants me to join his band, although I don't want to.
It's not that I don't like him, but he plays heavy metal, and I can't play that really well. I suck at the Major Scales, I play better in Minor Scales.
I finally learned stuff in Math Class.
I learned how to do something and...shit I forgot it. It's some formula like :::
I also learned this:
Do you mean improvising with major scales or just major scales in general?
improvising in major scales. I practiced the Minor too much, and now they're one of the only scales I know (excluding all of the shapes of the pentatonic, I know those.)
I'm glad I know more than just one form of the pentatonic, like most other guitarists, there's a lot more freedom when you know more.