I washed my hair. :(
You can assume that I like my hair naturally greasy. For some reason, when my hair is clean, it gets extremely annoying. It feels all 'static-ey' Now everybody at my school is going to say 'OMG Joe! U WASHED UR HAIR! U look so CutE NAO!!'
Fuck my 'friends.'
There opinions mean nothing.
I faked a bad cold today. I only had a mildly runny nose, but I decided that I didn't feel like going to school, so I feigned a cold.
Don't you hate when people add you on myspace or facebook, that you don't even know or like?
When I first got facebook, this happened a lot. All of these douchey kids decided to send me a ton of friend requests. Keep in mind that they all hate me, and just want to look cooler by having 1000+ friends.
Some girl, that I've never met in my life, who is friends with somebody else that I know, just sent me a friend request on Myspace. I looked for mutual friends, and I found one of my friends (which is how I know that it isn't some kind of spam)
I hate my friends.
I guess I'm going to the movies this Saturday or something. This girl (the same one who decided to bring us to a church to see a movie) invited a few people and I to go see 'Last House On the Left.'
Not looking forward to it. This is why iPods were invented.
I gotta change my picture, That was me a long time ago...
You don't wash your hair? That's disgusting
You don't know how many times I've heard that.