heh, honestly i prefer the anime guys over the stupid tend whores.....although theres really nodody at my school. the entire middle school is 38 people. fucking private schools cost a fuckload and i HATE IT. and i cant even get into a half decent school cause of my damn grades.
sucks that the bus missed your snowmen.
also those are some fuck scary horses,my dads arent that insane,and theyre half real.
in conclusion gay peple have no choice but to like coffe ice cream,tell me how your next day goes please.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xjkxYaUD9E">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xjkxY aUD9E</a>
I don't like the song much but it's relevant.
The 2008 version of Che kicked ass. Well, the first part did, because the Cuban Revolution was the more interesting part of his life imo. The second part dragged on.
"The middle school bus eventually came"
like a bus
Definitely part 1 was better.
Plus, the failed Bolivian/Congo revolution is depressing.
I am making videos of every time we make a snowman in the street, I'll upload them all when the bus finally hits it really good.