Pretty much every guidance counselor ...EVER...IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE...has pretty much sucked at their job, their not always bad people...but honestly when you ask any one, they all agree they dont know what they should. Just think about the events that could possible lead one to a career AS a guidance counselor...
if you want to get back on your academical track, then I suggest maybe taking some courses at a community college "once summer school is err...finished" and only taking advanced classes your actually interested in "for you I'm guessing music/band, maybe literature...who knows"
If I may good sir...
Pretty much every guidance counselor ...EVER...IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE...has pretty much sucked at their job, their not always bad people...but honestly when you ask any one, they all agree they dont know what they should. Just think about the events that could possible lead one to a career AS a guidance counselor...
if you want to get back on your academical track, then I suggest maybe taking some courses at a community college "once summer school is err...finished" and only taking advanced classes your actually interested in "for you I'm guessing music/band, maybe literature...who knows"
best of luck meng
Thanks, yea, music and literature/english are for me.