It sucked that you were tired when you argued that bitch, because I would have loved to see what you would have said. If it was captured on video, i would fap to it.
I laughed at "I am not a chair". Brilliant.
"Yeah, well you should wash your hair you NERD!!!"
If I had a dollar for every time that happened to me...
And take the small penis thing in stride. It's fun, I do it all the time, pretend that I have a tiny penis. I say it's "almost half a centimeter long", but with just enough subtle sarcasm so they don't believe me. Not that penis size is relevant to anything though, because it's something you're born with, and frankly, quite creepy to change.
The lead singer for Failure looks a little like the guy who played Harry in Requiem for a Dream. Also, if I reference that film once more, you should disown me.
becuase i liked youre post i will not spam u o wait...
I'm flattered that you found positive interest in my post.