View Profile ChickenGod
I'm the Decoy/Bait kid that they use on 'To Catch A Predator.' The producers tell me that I'm good at seducing 60 year old men.

Age 58, Male


Joined on 10/12/08

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I wanted to see how your short story ended.

You should slap your sister. I would, she bit my dick last night.

JESUS CHRIST IT'S A LION!!! GET IN THE- Oh, wait, It's just a dog.

I've ended all forms of communication with my sister. She used to alright. She was a trend whore, but she was alright, but now she's just acting like a spoiled asswipe.

Aw, I really liked that story. Showed a lot of promise, sad it had to die :(
Yeah, my sister does that too. She watches episodes of shows that are so old that I'VE even seen them, but she continues to flood her mind with that garbage.

Most girls are like that, they're too self conscious.

Well then again, are most guys any better? It's in a man's nature to show you're masculinity off to females. I find it disgusting when men do that.

*phew* I almost sounded sexist there. I'm an unbiased sexist, I hate both genders. But Then again, I guess that's the same as just being anti-sexist.

I told some douche bag to stop being sexist, when he was mocking his ex girlfriend or something, and he said something like 'why?' and I just said, 'well, it's kinda ignorant, but I'm a feminist, so I wouldn't know' I said the last part somewhat sarcastically, meaning to make him sound like an asshole.

And obviously he called me a faggot, and asked me why I'm so gay.

I use "straight" as an insult. I call people "fucking herteros" and watch their reactions. It's hilarious. I tell them that the way they feel is how I feel when someone calls me gay, I really don't give a shit.

And yes, the guys here are the typical macho-males, but most of the girls are just as bad. We (me and my other gay friend) ask them if they think they are feminists, and they usually say yes. We ask them who they think their favourite feminist is, and they usually say something like "Oh, Linsey Lohan" or some other drug addicted teen idol. Hilarious though it is, I die a bit on the inside when I do it.

I never though t of it like that. "I hate both sexes" is brilliant, although I doubt it applies to me.

I used to...My friends use it as an insult now. They annoy me with it, because every time they say it, and somebody asks them what it means, they always say that they came up with it. My friends copy me now. I told them that I'm probably bisexual, now a ton of my friends are suddenly bisexual. I told them that I'm somewhat of an Anarchist, now they're all copying me.

I'm a feminist, but I don't know too many feminists. I just believe that wimmins aren't tools, and they deserve equal rights to men. Pretty much the exact opposite of every guy in my school, and several girls (Which I find somewhat odd...), because they believe that wimmins are tools, used for pleasure and for sexual release. I guess most girls believe that they need to whore themselves around to get attention, I almost feel bad, because the pervert guys expect that of them.

For some reason i find that word 'wimmins' hilarious. Not in a sexist way of course, just the fact that I know people that pronounce it like that.

Yes, I find "wiminz" hilarious as well.

I'm a feminist, in case you haven't noticed. I believe women are even somewhat mostly better than men, which actually contradicts the entire concept of feminism. I'm a feminist, but I think the entire ideology and practice of it is pretty much useless in today's time. Women, for the most part, have equal rights, at least in this country, and there isn't any gender related job discrimination or anything anymore. So yeah, I contradicted myself again.

Maybe where you live. New Hampshire is a completely different continent then America. It's full of sexism, and racism. It's disgusting here.

Dude... I love your dog... but not in the "I want to fuck it" way.

Are you sure you don't like bestiality?

No...Well, maybe. >.>

you know you want to...

I feel the same way. My brain is stuck on "Composer" mode, which is strange, because I've never written any music in my life, but for some reason I keep thinking of these amazing riffs and beats, especially during school (never pay attention anyway).

Hmm... I'd say maybe rice or something... Thats what I feel like eating anyway...

The tongue sticking out to the side made this picture hilarious :)

Yea, The reason why I somewhat like school is because it allows me to have inspiration for composing anything.

I love rice.

I love this picture.

Eat your dog...

It's been done...

why do think think I only have 2 dogs? I've eaten the others. *insert generic hot dog pun here*

Good Lord

Translation: I am in total shock with the fact of the previous statement made by you to the point of religious zealotry.