I rape n***a bitches that hari-kiri themselves while simultaneously screech the lyrics to "My Chocolate Salty Balls" by Issac Hayes who got shot by pirates with M16's which doesn't even make sense because pirates weren't around when M16's came out or maybe they're just zombie pirates that survived this long or quite possibly from a different dimension where guns were invented before swords also pirate reminds me of "butt pirates," which is slang for "fanny bandits," which is slang for a homosexual Mexican man ever notice how there's no slang for a gay man besides "gay" even though that could apply to women too, so rather an exclusive slang word for gay men because gay women have "lesbian," which came from "Lesbos" or something who was a 300 pound black lady that liked to munch on CK1CUNZZZZZZZ while watching AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEEELLL while sleeping with Barrack Obama, and wears T-Shirts that indicate such.
Fuck, I was gonna do a page long one, but I got lazy.
I cum in cat litter and sell it to people while fucking transvestite slippers and pull out and let my cum get all over the walls and make my rapist maid lick it off the walls then i knock out junkies and steal their drugs then i shoot hideous asshole racist rednecks and team up with ninjas and kill flying monkeys and use their bodies as weapons to fight against the vampire orphans of the world... I am so fucked up.
"I cum in cat litter" is my new favorite quote.