dude. i'm in las vegas.
I'm the Decoy/Bait kid that they use on 'To Catch A Predator.' The producers tell me that I'm good at seducing 60 year old men.
Age 58, Male
Joined on 10/12/08
dude. i'm in las vegas.
I find Hot Topic extremely funny. All the Hollister rejects go there to REBEL AGAINST THE SYSTUHM and the CORRUPT GOVERNMENT when they're just helping the corporations, seeing as how Hot Topic and Abercrombie are owned by the same companies. Quite ironic.
And do you think I haven't trolled my local emos yet? Seriously.
My current girlfriend falls into that scene kid stereotype, but she's really more like me than she is "emo."
It is rather Ironically funny
I don't hate emos and others like them. The cell phone thing... lets just say almost everyone i know has a cell phone.... and i hate 89% of them or so. The girl of my dreams only acts dumb to be funny and it works. she's also the only person with a cell phone i know besides the restricted one that texts in full sentences and rarly uses text language and emoticons. I love her the most for that by the way.
Lucky...I live in a town, where the people are just so stupid, seriously. It must be the inbreeding or something. There's quite a lot of it up here in New Hampshire.
Really sucks here.